Thursday, May 28, 2009

May is almost over?

After April practically didn't exist for us and May is already nearing an end I ask just one question -

Are we insane?

Not only did we have our first child but Austin graduated from UA with his MBA, I said good-bye to my job and we packed everything up and moved to Chattanooga, TN. Phew! All that has been a stress inducer for sure.

Thank goodness Chattanooga is so beautiful and Austin's new job has started off well. Our new place is certainly a step up from the 1950s stick home in Tuscaloosa. We have a garbage disposal!

Austin and my dad spent Memorial Day installing new shelves, painting accent walls and hanging artwork. Why all this for a rental unit? Just because that's how I am I guess...get it from my mama.

We will miss everyone in Alabama, just as we still miss everyone from Idaho. But because we embrace change and new opportunities we are looking forward to new friendships and experiences in Tennessee.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blessing Day

It was very special to me that Asher was blessed on my first Mother's Day.

Daddy bestowed these blessings...

To know the fullness of the gospel
To know who you are
To have a good heart
To be a great missionary
To seek after freedom
To follow Christ
Health, strength and knowledge
Spread the word
Appreciate your marvelous mother who loves you (he actually said marvelous ;-)
Know that your family loves you

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Bath

Rub a dub dub . . .
After the umbilical came off yesterday we gave Asher his first bath. He seemed a little unsure at first but he loves the warm water. We have also discovered that he likes to take warm showers with daddy. So precious!