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This second time around I realize how quickly this one will grow out of the baby phase. I am trying to soak it in. It seems it might be going by even faster than with Asher.
Wyatt had a well baby check up and Dr. Coffman said, "Everything is perfect."
He is 10 lbs 6 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. He is a chunk! He loves to eat, eat, eat. He is also a spitter so watch out! haha. I am doing laundry all day long. So far, he still has his hair. He makes good eye contact but sometimes looks cross eyed still. It's pretty cute.
We love our butterball.
Asher has adjusted to being a big brother quite well. He is so helpful around the house and sweet to the baby. Compared to Wyatt he looks so huge now.
In this video Asher meets his little bro for the first time. I remember seeing my little sister for the first time in the hospital. My dad picked my brother and I up from school and we made up a song about her that we sang together in the parking lot of the hospital. I don't remember the words but I'm sure it was pretty silly. When I walked in my mom's recovery room Kendall was in the clear plastic basinet and I recall that I thought she was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. I was nine so my memory is a bit sharper than when Brendan was born. I don't know if Asher will remember anything but this video.
I am looking forward to raising these two and hope I can help them be good friends. Like my siblings and me.
Just precious. I love this little sound. Doesn't last long so I wanted to be sure to capture it.
Happy birthday Asher Dean!
He turned three today. We had a little celebration with my family.
Asher seems so big to us lately. We can hardly recall him being as small as Wyatt.
Just some cuteness
- Asher is imaginative like his Mama. He has an imaginary kitty that he likes to hand us to pet. He told us the kitty is white. He also pretends to be a kitty himself purring, meowing and curling in our laps.
- He likes to watch and play Curious George, Toy Story and Cars. He says, "to infinity and beyond!" "I'm space ranger." "Lightming Aqueen"
- Transformers is his newest imaginative game. When Austin gets home he'll say "Let's play transformers. I use my power and get your guts out. Boom! Boom!" With his arms out straight and his hands in fists, eyebrows down and eyes squinted sharp.
- He is quite the talker. He loves to say things like, "Member when Papa took me to buy those shoes. And the peoples were there. And I cried. And Papa bought me those shoes. Member? mhm."
- Asher loves Papa's and Daddy's tools, he will pretend to fix something and say, "This chair is broke. I have to fix it." Then bang at it with a screwdriver.
- When something is truly broken he says, "It needs new batt-ries. Let's go to the store and buy some new batt-ries."
- His hair is so pretty. I haven't had to cut it yet. "It's just curry."
- A week ago Mama actually got dressed nice and put on some make-up. Asher brought me some jewelry and said "Mama, you look cute and gorgeous!" Made me smile.
- A month ago he said, "I am so frustrated." And he stomped his feet. He is like his Daddy when he gets upset. Clamps his fists and makes a face.
- His facial expressions are quite animated. He loves to make pretty little girls laugh.
- My favorite quote lately is if I ask him to do something he will sometimes look at me and inquire, "That will make you happy? Yes." And then he will smile so sweet.
- He is a spirited thing and I just love him!