This little guy is 18 months old today!
He is a spirited toddler that always knows what he wants. Makes it a lot of fun to keep up with him;)
Asher loves
running over speed bumps
running down hills
petting dogs and cats
balloons especially the red SALE ones at Walmart
any kind of ball
throwing balls
throwing objects at Mommy
crunchy leaves
his blankie and Mr. Bear at bed time
his pacy and still prefers the 0-6 month size
running around Coolidge Park
attention from the teenage girls at church
little toy cars, he makes this sound when rolling them around the house "vrrrrbrrrr"
using wipes to help clean his face
sharing cereal with Mommy expecially Oatmeal Squares
bath time with Daddy
Greek yogurt
still likes his milk warm
giving hugs and sometimes kisses
talking to Grandparents on my cell phone, actually he doesn't do too much talking
playing outdoors
walking the opposite direction we want to go :)
riding downtown in his stroller
his banana toothbrush
reading books especially if the book has a ball in it
freefalling from the sofa arm onto the sofa, from the sofa onto the ottoman, kinda scary
when Daddy comes home!
This year and a half has gone by relatively quickly. He changes all the time and so fast! Thank you Gigi for all the gorgeous pics!